Continuing to Blah Blah Blah ....
As a child during the parents meeting a constant complain from the teachers used to be that I was very talkative. My parents used to always bring this matter up whenever I used to show them the Report card or the exam papers and I slowly escaped to the toilet for the next half an hour avoiding their rhetoric. I had many X's marked against my name by the class monitor on the blackboard for talking excessively and subsequently received lots of punishment from teachers. I still remember writing a sentence " I will not talk in class " 100 times due to a punishment imposed upon me by a teacher in class VIIth.
Years passed on with a feeling that being talkative meant something terribly wrong with a person until I entered the corporate world. When I started meeting people in higher positions I found that they have this tendency to speak for long without a break continuously and the simple reason for this is that most of them are extremely passionate about what they do. You ask a question they will go on and on like amaron batteries until you make some wired excuse of slipping through. Once I happened to ask a close ended question to which the top executive replied " Yes, it is possible. " I was happy to get the answer but then he continued to explain the rationale behind that in a very finicky way which lasted for about 20 minutes . My advise , don't be fooled by their geeky looks because when they open their mouth , you have no escape route and believe me you would not have the strength to reciprocate. Finally don't try to rebut them. Christ help you if you happen to fall in company of a MBA student ( particularly IIMs ) you can be rest assured of a one sided conversation with full of jargons. Once when I asked this person what was the reason that she used so much of jargons ( not that I don't understand :- ) while having a casual conversation pat came the reply that they are used to this and this was the routine. Very similar to this are Entrepreneurs who go on continuously and I just love to watch them talk . As I said earlier all this boils down to passion and you would be able to stretch your talk of 5 minutes to 25 minutes. As I look it most of the successful people ( I repeat most and not all ) generally do this .
Thankfully I have not changed a bit from my versatile childhood days except that nowadays I try to talk a lot of sense ( like my current post :-) which comes very naturally to me. So theres still hope for me to reach the top of the ladder or own a ladder ( I prefer this ) with my blah blah blah .....